DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-7Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification
Login permissions for a specified login can be set by the super-user to block any
object that may compromise switch security. Up to 40 administration or
maintenance objects commands can be blocked for a specified login in. When
an object (administrative or maintenance command) is entered in the blocked
object list on the Command Permissions Categories Restricted Object List form,
the associated administrative or maintenance actions cannot be performed by
the specified login.
There are 3 command categories. Each of the 3 command categories has a
group of command subcategories listed under them, and each command
subcategory has a list of command objects that the commands acts on. See
Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 for a list of objects. A super-user can set a users
permissions to restrict or block access to any command in these categories. The
3 categories are:
■ Common Commands
— Display Admin. and Maint. Data
— System Measurements
■ Administration Commands
— Administer Stations
—Administer Trunks
— Additional Restrictions
— Administer Features
— Administer Permissions
■ Maintenance Commands
— Maintain Stations
— Maintain Trunks
— Maintain Systems
— Maintain Switch Circuit Packs
— Maintain Process Circuit Packs
These categories are displayed on the Command Permissions Categories form.
To Log In
To log in to the switch:
1. Enter your login name and password on the login and password screen
(Screen 3-2
If your password has expired you see the message: