DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1554SW-CTL (Switch Control)
2. If no other SW-CTL errors are present, run the
test switch-control
a|b long clear
command and investigate those failures.
d. A 257 error is logged when the Switch Control circuit reports that tests of
its internal memory (RAM or ROM) have failed. The receipt of this error
causes Switch Control maintenance to run specific Switch Control tests. If
there is a problem, the Switch Control tests will normally cause other errors
to be logged. In the rare case where no other errors are logged but 257
errors are occurring at a high rate (more than 10 in the last hour) the
MSSNET circuit pack should be replaced during a time that would cause
the least service disruption. If the system is equipped with the High
Reliability or Critical Reliability Configuration this can be done immediately
since a MSSNET circuit pack on the standby SPE can be replaced without
affecting service.
e. A 769 error occurs when the Switch Control reports a loss of timing signals
to the SPE. When this error is present, the Switch Control will not normally
be alarmed since any Switch Control test failures are really the result of
faulty signals from the Tone/Clock circuit pack. See “TDM-CLK” for the
procedures needed to diagnose Tone/Clock circuit pack troubles.
f. A 1025 error indicates that there has been a failure of the Control Channel
Interface Test (#92). Refer to the diagnostics for that test to clear the
g. A 1281 error is called a Switch Control handshake error. It is an in-line
error not produced by any test. The Aux Data for this error is not
meaningful. This error can be ignored.
The receipt of this errors causes Switch Control maintenance to run
specific Switch Control tests. If there is a problem, the Switch Control tests
would cause other errors to be logged. 1281 errors do not cause alarms
so there is no specific action that can be taken when these errors are
h. A 1537 error indicates that the Switch Control Reset test (#92) failed. A
MAJOR alarm is raised if this test fails. Refer to the repair procedures for
the Switch Control Reset test (#93).
i. A 1793 error is an in-line error that indicates a possible problem with the
interface between the Switch Control and the SPE. The Aux Data for this
error is not meaningful. The receipt of this error causes Switch Control
maintenance to run specific Switch Control tests. If there is a problem, the
Switch Control tests will normally cause other errors to be logged. In the
rare case where no other errors are logged but 1793 errors are occurring
at a high rate (more than 10 in the last hour) the MSSNET circuit pack
should be replaced during a time that would cause the least service
disruption. If the system is equipped with the High Reliability or Critical
Reliability Configuration this can be done immediately since a MSSNET
circuit pack on the standby SPE can be replaced without affecting service.
j. A 2561 error indicates that a software message buffer for downlink port
board messages has overflowed and those messages were thrown away.
The Aux Data for this error is not meaningful. The SPE is sending more