DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-891H-ADAPTR (MSS Host Adapter)
H-ADAPTR (MSS Host Adapter)
The Host Adapter circuit is located on the UN332 Mass Storage System/Network
Control circuit pack (MSSNET) and is part of the Mass Storage System (MSS)
which also contains the Switch Control (SW-CTL) circuit. The MSS provides
non-volatile tape and disk storage for booting the PBX system and for saving
system translation data.
The Host Adapter circuit provides the interface between the Switch Processing
Element (SPE) system bus and the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) bus.
The SCSI bus is an industry standard bus that connects a tape drive and disk
drive to the PBX.
Note that the red LED on the MSSNET board is shared by both the switch control
and host adapter circuits. A failure of either circuit will cause the LED to light. A
reset of the host adapter also causes this LED to light. A separate MO (SW-CTL)
and its associated tests are used for maintenance of the switch control circuit.
The tape and disk drives are treated as separate, but related, maintenance
objects (TAPE and DISK). Problems with the host adapter may affect the
operation of the tape and disk circuit packs.
When the host adapter is taken out of service because of a failure of a critical
host adapter test, or by use of the
command, the TAPE and DISK
maintenance objects are also placed in an out-of-service state.
In a system with duplicated SPEs, the tests run on the standby host adapter
circuit are identical to those run on the active host adapter circuit. The DUPINT
circuit pack handles communications between the active and standby SPEs for
both the control channel and memory shadowing. Therefore, problems with the
DUPINT circuit pack may affect maintenance tests of the standby host adapter
circuit pack.
Circuit Pack Replacement Procedures
If the MSSNET circuit pack needs to be replaced:
1. If the SPE is not duplicated:
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command to Run
1. In a system with a simplex SPE, the carrier need not be specified. In a system with duplicated
SPE s, carrier a or b must be specified.
Full Name of MO
H-ADAPTR MINOR test host-adapter a|b long MSS Host Adapter
H-ADAPTR WARNING test host-adapter a|b long MSS Host Adapter