DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
BRI Layer 3 Query Test (#629)
This test is used to check the application layer communications between the
switch and the endpoint or adjunct.
For BRI endpoints, an application message containing the appropriate endpoint
service state is sent by the switch to the endpoint. The endpoint responds with an
acknowledgment to the application message.
For ASAI and Lucent adjuncts, this test is not executed from the administration
terminal. Rather, a query message is automatically sent by the switch every two
minutes. Failure of the switch to receive a response to a query from the adjunct is
logged in the Hardware Error Log
2000 FAIL The XID-RESPONSE message was not received from the endpoint.
1. Consult the endpoint documentation to determine if the Layer 2 XID and
XID-RESPONSE messages are supported. If the documentation reflects
no support for these messages, change XID Testing? field to ‘‘no’’ using
the change station extension command.
2. If the endpoint supports these Layer 2 messages and the test continues
to fail, assume the endpoint is defective and replace it.
3. If the test continues to fail, escalate the problem.
PASS The switch can successfully pass messages over the D-channel to the BRI
Table 9-154. TEST #629 BRI Layer 3 Query
Te st
Result Description/ Recommendation
1005 ABORT The endpoint’s MIMs Supported? field is administered to ‘‘no.’’
1. Use the change station extension command to change the parameter
only if the endpoint documentation reflects support for ISDN-BRI
Management and Maintenance Procedures.
Continued on next page
Table 9-153. TEST #628 BRI XID — Continued
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page