DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1247PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
There are no
commands associated with the Packet Interface
circuit packs. Instead, Packet Interface fields (
Packet Intf1, Packet Intf2, Packet
) that appear under the SPE Optional Boards category on the second page
of the System Parameters Maintenance Form are provided to indicate whether
the Packet Interface circuit pack is administered.
If a Packet Interface circuit pack is physically present, the corresponding Packet
Interface field is set to ‘‘y’’ when the system boots, and no change to that field is
allowed. (If the system is equipped with duplicated SPEs, a Packet Interface field
is set to ‘‘y’’ when either SPE carrier contains a Packet Interface circuit pack in
the corresponding position.) If a Packet Interface circuit pack is not present, then
the value for the Packet Interface field is read from translation data stored on disk
or tape. If the field is set to ‘‘n,’’ a Packet Interface circuit pack may be
administered by changing the corresponding Packet Interface field to ‘‘y.’’
Packet Interface Circuit Pack Replacement
When replacing a Packet Interface circuit pack, follow the procedure used for
replacing any circuit pack in the SPE carrier. The SPE carrier must be powered
down before a Packet Interface circuit pack is removed or added and then the
SPE carrier must be powered back up after the circuit pack is inserted.
Packet Interface circuit packs should not be plugged in or removed from a
running system since configuration tables in software need to be updated at
system restart time. This is also true for Packet Interface circuit packs in the
standby SPE carrier when the system is equipped with duplicated SPEs. Refer to
Replacing SPE Circuit Packs
in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’
for more information on the procedures for replacing circuit packs in a standby
SPE carrier.
Demand Reset of a Packet Interface Board
A demand reset of a Packet Interface circuit pack on an active SPE via the entry
of a
reset packet-interface
command will be denied by system software if the
Packet Interface is in service (has not been placed in an out-of-service state by
background maintenance software). Otherwise, a reset of an in-service Packet
Interface circuit pack would cause severe service disruption including the loss of
all existing calls and dropped links to adjuncts such as AUDIX. The software that
controls Packet Interface maintenance puts a Packet Interface circuit pack in the
out-of-service state if that circuit pack has been reset three times within the last
15 minutes. as part of the automatic recovery action that is initiated when a
hardware fatal fault condition is detected.
A demand reset of a Packet Interface circuit pack on the standby SPE is not
disruptive and is allowed regardless of the service state of the associated
maintenance software. When a standby Packet Interface circuit pack is reset,
memory shadowing is turned off and then back on. A memory refresh is then
performed to update the state of the standby Packet Interface circuit pack and to