DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-213set vector
set tone-clock 01c override
set tone-clock a
set vector
set vector reset-level# [spe-standby | spe-active | spe-maint | spe-smm]
The set vector command specifies the reset levels which will activate a core
dump. When a designated reset occurs, a current copy of the system’s memory
is stored on the disk device, allowing the information to be examined later for
troubleshooting purposes.
To force an immediate core dump, set the appropriate bit using this command
and then execute
reset system
of the corresponding level,
be aware of
possible disruption as a result of the reset.
Note that level 1 (WARM) resets may result in a more destructive level 2
(COLD2) reset for certain settings of the vector.
Service is disrupted whenever an active SPE is performing a core dump.
The following actions are taken in response to the vector settings listed below
when a designated reset takes place. In all cases after a core dump has been
performed, the vector will be cleared.
This qualifier forces execution of the set command regardless of the health
of the Tone-Clock circuit pack.
Use of this option is destructive to an entire port network for EPNs and
for the entire system for PPN Tone-Clocks.