DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
LED Interpretation
7-7Duplication Interface Circuit Pack LEDs
Duplication Interface Circuit Pack
In systems with duplicated SPEs, (High Reliability and Critical Reliability), there
are two Duplication Interface UN330B circuit packs. One is located in carrier A
and one in carrier B of the PPN. Each circuit pack has four LEDs. The top three
have the traditional function of indicating the status of the pack.
The LED located at the bottom of the faceplate directly beneath the SPE Select
switch is labeled OVERRIDE. Under normal operating conditions, the SPE Select
switch is in the AUTO (center) position, and the OVERRIDE LED remains unlit.
This means that the system controls which SPE is active. System selection of the
active SPE can be manually overridden by moving the SPE Select switches from
the AUTO position to either the “A” position or the “B” position on both
Duplication Interface circuit packs. At this time, the red OVERRIDE LEDs on both
Duplication Interface circuit packs will light steadily to indicate that one SPE is
locked Active and the system is not duplicated. If both SPE Select switches are
not in the same position, the system software retains control of Active SPE
selection, and the OVERRIDE LED remains unlit. When control of the SPE
selection is returned to the system by returning the SPE Select switches on both
Duplication Interface circuit packs to the AUTO position, the OVERRIDE LED will
go dark. Forced SPE selection should be undertaken only after consulting the
appropriate sections in Chapter 9, ‘‘Maintenance Object Repair Procedures’’