
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1280PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
FAIL The Packet Interface circuit pack diagnostic tests failed. If the system is
equipped with the High Reliability or Critical Reliability Configuration, the reset
will run only on demand if the Packet Interface circuit pack is on the standby
SPE or if Packet Interface circuit pack is in an out-of-service state on the active
SPE (which means an SPE interchange was not allowed because the standby
SPE is not healthy). If the latter case is true, also refer to the repair procedures
for STBY-SPE for clearing the problem on the standby SPE.
1. Retry the command reset packet-interface
2. If the reset fails, replace the circuit pack. (Refer to Replacing SPE Circuit
Packs in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’
for procedures
for replacing circuit packs in a standby SPE carrier.)
3. If the Packet Interface circuit pack is on the standby SPE, enter the status
SPE command at one minute intervals up to 10 minutes after the circuit
pack is replaced to check for completion of memory refresh.
PASS The Packet Interface circuit pack diagnostic software passed. The Packet
Interface circuit pack is put back into service automatically. If the Packet
Interface on the standby SPE continues to report an in-line fatal fault code
(error 257) and as a result goes into the out-of-service state even though the
demand reset test passes, the firmware version of the Packet Interface circuit
pack on the standby SPE may not be the same as the firmware version of the
Packet Interface circuit pack on the active SPE. Use the list configuration
control command to determine if the vintage of the Packet Interface circuit
packs on the active and standby SPEs is the same.
Table 9-503. TEST #889 Reset Test — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page