DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-434CO-TRK (Analog CO Trunk)
a. A demand test of Diagnostic Test (#3) will always return a PASS indication
for CO-TRK/CO-BD [TN747B] version 8 or greater. However, any errors
produced as a result of this test will be logged and produce no alarms.
If errors logged by test #3 are the only complaints against this trunk, then
the system technician should check if MFT/Range Extenders are being
used. If extenders are present, then there is a good chance that there is
excessive loop current, which will cause Test #3 to log errors.
However, all else being normal, these errors should not affect the
b. The ATMS tests are not part of either test sequence. They are run either on
demand with
test analog-testcall
or by the ATMS schedule.
Dial Tone Test (#0)
This test attempts to seize a port and checks for the return of a dial tone.
Table 9-181. TEST #0 Dial Tone Test
Te st
Result Description/ Recommendation
ABORT Could not allocate system resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals for a maximum of 5 times.
1000 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available. The port may be
busy with a valid call.
1. Use the command display port UUCSSpp to determine the trunk
group/member number of the port. Use the status trunk command to
determine the service state of the port. If the service state indicates that
the port is in use, then the port is unavailable for certain tests. You must
wait until the port is idle before retesting.
2. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals for a maximum of 5 times.
1001 ABORT System resources required to run this test were not available. This could be
due to a failure to seize the port.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals for a maximum of 5 times.
1002 ABORT The system could not allocate time slots for the test. The system may be
under heavy traffic conditions or it may have time slots out-of-service due to
TDM-BUS errors.
1. If the system has no TDM-BUS errors and is not handling heavy traffic,
retry the command at 1-minute intervals for a maximum of 5 times.
Continued on next page