DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1820UDS1-BD (UDS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
Figure 9-109 shows the hardware connections for private network access using
the TN2242 circuit pack.
Figure 9-109. TN2242 Japan trunk TTC private network connections
To upgrade a system to the TN2242 circuit pack:
1. Busyout the TN464F DS1-CONV circuit pack (
busyout board UUCSS
2. Remove the TN464 administration (
change circuit pack, change ds1
change trunk group
3. Remove the TN464F circuit packs.
4. Remove the JRC (Japan Radio Corporation) external converter and cable.
5. Insert the TN2242 circuit packs.
6. Connect the TN2242 to the TDM with the H600-513 cable assembly.
7. Administer the TN2242 circuit pack (see ‘‘Administration’’
Figure Notes:
1. DEFINITY Release 7
2. TN2242 2Mbit Japan trunk circuit pack
3. H600-513 cable assembly cable. (See ‘‘H600-513
cable pinout’’).
4. TDM facilities
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