DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1450SNI-BD (SNI Circuit Pack)
SNI Off-board Destructive Facility Test (#756)
This test is destructive.
The SNI runs a destructive looparound of the off-board and on-board
looparounds. This test returns the result of the off-board looparound, while test
757 returns the result of the on-board looparound.
122 FAIL The SNI circuit pack cannot communicate with its neighbor via the circuit path.
1. Fix any on-board errors (SNI-BD, EXP-INTF, and/or DS1C-BD) against the
components of this fiber link by using display errors and display alarms
and following the associated repair procedures. (Use the list fiber-link
command to find the fiber link associated with this SNI. The display
fiber-link command can then be used to find the endpoints of the fiber link
and the DS1C circuit pack locations if this fiber link has a DS1 Converter
Complex administered.)
2. Enter display errors and follow the associated repair procedures for any
FIBER-LK entries for the fiber this SNI is administered on. Check list
fiber-link to determine the administered fiber.
3. If this fiber link has a DS1 converter complex administered, enter display
errors and display alarms and follow the associated repair procedures
for any off-board DS1C-BD or DS1-FAC entries for either of the DS1C
boards administered or for the DS1 facilities associated with either of the
DS1C boards administered.
4. Replace this SNI.
PASS The SNI passed the sni circuit path test.
No board was detected by the test.
1. Check that board is properly translated and inserted.
2. Run the test again. If it fails, reset the board. An SNI should be reset
instead of reseating the circuit pack. The reset board command should
almost never be used on an SNI. It may be necessary to use the reset
board command if the SNI circuit pack gets into a mode where it cannot
communicate with software. If an SNI with active errors and alarms is reset,
the errors and alarms may take a while to come back, therefore the reset
board command can mask real problems.
3. Run the test again. If it fails, the ID chip on board may be bad. Replace the
board and retest.
Table 9-559. TEST #755 SNI Circuit Path Test — Continued
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page