DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1678TBRI-PT (TN2185 ISDN Trunk-Side BRI Port)
i. Error Type (1538): This error occurs when a frame with a bad CRC is
received by the BRI trunk board. This error only occurs on a system that
switches the packet implementation of the D-channel over the TDM bus.
This error indicates an off board problem related to the packet
implementation of the TDM D-Channel (R6.2 and later).
j. Error Type (1793): The BRI Port Local TDM Loop Around Test (#619)
failed. Run the Long Test Sequence paying particular attention to the
results of the BRI TDM Port Loop Test (#619).
k. Error Type (2049): The Layer 2 Link Query failed. The test is repeated
every 15 minutes until it passes.
l. Error Type (2305): The Remote Layer 3 Query failed. The test is repeated
every 15 minutes until it passes.
m. Error Type (3073): A frame of information had to be repeated or deleted.
Slips usually occur when the received bit rate is not synchronized with the
TDM Bus clock.
n. Error Type (3585): The circuit pack detected an overflow of its receive
buffers. This error occurs only a system that switches the packet
implementation of the D-Channel over the TDM bus. This error indicates
an on board problem related to the packet implementation of the TDM
D-Channel (R6.2 and higher).
o. Error Type (3586): Each port can support up to three Terminal Endpoint
Identifiers (TEIs). Each channel on the port can request a TEI assignment
from the switch if it supports ISDN-BRI TEI assignment procedures. If
switch services gets a request for a fourth TEI on a port, it reports this
event to maintenance software and initiates TEI check procedures on the
port. Check to see if the correct number of channels are administered for
this port.
The user side supports automatic TEI assignment by the network. Both
fixed and automatic TEI assignment are supported on the network side.
p. Error Type (3587)Service Profiler IDentifier (SPID) value is invalid or is a
duplicate of another SPID that is already initialized at Layer 3 on the port.
SPIDs are not used on the TN2185 circuit pack. However there will be
related events.
q. Error Type (3588): The board receives D-Channel data from the bus faster
than it can process the data. The FIFO RAM buffers overflowed. This error
occurs occasionally due to the statistical sizing of the buffers; however,
frequent occurrences may indicate a LAPD parameter mismatch between
the two endpoints of a packet-switched connection. Run the Long Test
Sequence paying particular attention to the results of the Receive FIFO
Overflow Test (#625).
r. Error Type (3589): The BRI Port Local LAN Loop Around Test (#618) failed.
Run the Long Test Sequence and pay particular attention to the results of
Test #618.