DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1587SYNC (Synchronization)
synchronization references administered, and follow the
steps outlined in note (a) if the primary synchronization
reference is providing timing for the system or note (c) if the
secondary synchronization reference is providing timing for
the system.
■ If the slave Tone-Clock circuit pack fails TDM Bus Clock Test
#150 but the master Tone-Clock
does not
fail this test, the
master Tone-Clock circuit pack must be replaced. Follow the
Tone-Clock replacement steps listed in “TDM-CLK”.
■ Replace the active Expansion Interface circuit pack in the
master port network.
■ In a CSS configuration, replace the Switch Node Interface
circuit pack connected to the active Expansion Interface
circuit pack in the master port network. The
list fiber-link
command can be used to determine the Switch Node
Interface circuit pack that is connected to the active
Expansion Interface circuit pack in the master port network.
■ If the problem still is not resolved and any slip errors remain,
follow the procedures described in the troubleshooting
section above.
This error is cleared by a leaky bucket strategy and takes one hour to
clear (leak away) the error counter once it is alarmed. Therefore, it may
take up to one hour to clear the alarm after the problem is cleared.
h. Noise on the DS1 line can cause transient alarms on synchronization.
Therefore, when a sync problem occurs on error types 1, 257, or 513, a
WARNING alarm is first raised for 15 to 20 minutes before the alarm is
upgraded to a MINOR or MAJOR alarm.