DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-856FIBER-LK (Fiber Link)
SNI Off-Board Destructive Facility Test (#756)
This test is destructive.
The SNI runs a destructive looparound of the off-board and on-board
looparounds. This test returns the result of the off-board looparound, while test
757 returns the result of the on-board looparound. For SNI-SNI fiber links, this test
is run on both SNI circuit pack endpoints of the fiber link.
2100 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available.
1. Run the test board UUCSS test separately for each Expansion Interface
endpoint on this fiber link and follow the procedures in the EXP-INTF
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Run the test board UUCSS test separately for each Expansion Interface
endpoint on this fiber link and follow the procedures in the EXP-INTF
FAIL Expansion Interface circuit pack could not detect framing sequence.
1. Run the test board UUCSS test separately for each Expansion Interface
endpoint on this fiber link and follow the procedures in the EXP-INTF
PASS The Expansion Interface circuit pack(s) have detected the valid framing signal
on the fiber.
1. Refer to errors from other EI circuit packs, Switch Node Interface tests, or
DS1 Converter tests (if present) if the link is still not functioning.
Table 9-331. TEST #756 SNI Off-Board Destructive Facility Test
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1015 ABORT The system will not allow this test to be run because the fiber link has not been
busied out. Busy out the fiber link with busyout fiber-link F P. Repeat the test
fiber-link F P long command.
Continued on next page
Table 9-330. TEST #238 Expansion Interface Fiber Out-of-Frame
Query Test — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page