DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-9Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification
Screen 3-3. Logoff Screen
To Display a Login
To display a specified login:
1. Enter the command
display login [login name]
and press the
Enter key.
The system displays the requested login’s:
■ Name
■ Login type
■ Service level
■ Access to INADS Port value (V4)
■ Password aging cycle length
■ Facility test call notification and acknowledgment
■ Remote access notification and acknowledgment
To List Logins
To list all of the system logins and the status of each login:
2. Enter the command
list logins
The system displays the following information for all current logins:
■ Name
■ Service level
■ Status (active, inactive, disabled, svn-disabled, void)
■ Password aging cycle length
The system displays only those logins with the same, or lower, service
level as the requestor.
Facility Test Call Administered
Remote Access Administered
Proceed with Logoff? [n]