DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1087MODEM-PT (Modem Pool Port)
Modem Pool Conference Test (#97)
This test is destructive.
2100 ABORT System resources required for this test are not available.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
6000 ABORT System resources needed to complete the test could not be allocated for the
digital section of the Modem Pool conversion resource. Ordinarily, this means
the conversion resource or other hardware used during the test was in use.
1. Wait 1 minute and attempt the test again.
2. If the same error occurs, use the status port command to determine
whether the Modem Pool conversion resource is in use.
3. If the conversion resource is in use, and it is absolutely necessary to test it,
the call must be dropped by issuing a busyout port UUCSS command
against the conversion resource. Run the test again.
4. If the same error occurs while the conversion resource is idle, busyout both
Modem Pool conversion resources on the TN758 Pooled Modem circuit
pack containing the conversion resource under test.
5. If the test continues to fail or abort, replace the Pooled Modem circuit pack
and retest.
6001 ABORT System resources needed to complete the test could not be allocated for the
analog section of the Modem Pool conversion resource. Follow the test
procedures for the previous error code.
NONE FAIL The test failed. This error is internal to the Pooled Modem circuit pack and does
not involve external equipment or interfaces.
1. Busy-out both of the TN758 Pooled Modem conversion resources on the
circuit pack containing the failing conversion resource.
2. If the test continues to fail, replace the Pooled Modem circuit pack and
ANY FAIL The NPE of the tested port was found to be transmitting in error. This condition
will cause noisy and unreliable connections.
1. If the remaining ports are currently not in use (the yellow LED is off), reset
the circuit pack and repeat the test.
2. If the test fails again, replace the circuit pack.
PASS The port is correctly using its allocated time slots. Investigate user-reported
troubles on this port using other port tests and by examining station, trunk, or
external wiring.
Table 9-431. TEST #96 Modem Pool NPE Crosstalk Test — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page