DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-977ISDN-TRK (DS1 ISDN Trunk)
ABORT Internal system error. Follow recommendations for ABORT code 2012.
2227 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test. Follow
recommendations for ABORT code 2100.
2042 FAIL Comparison of data sent to data received indicates a loss of integrity on the
communications path.
1. Take the trunk out of service and check the quality of the DS1 connection,
including the transmission facility and any external equipment such as
DAC s, CSU s, etc. Use test isdn-testcall and status isdn-testcall
commands to get the bit and block error rates.
PASS The test pattern was sent and received properly. If the synchronous test call
was performed (long test sequence), this indicates that the communications
path is operating properly. If the test isdn-testcall command was used, PASS
indicates only that the test call was established. Use the status isdn-testcall
command to get the bit and block error rates detected by the test. If the bit
and block error rates are not acceptable, perform a complete analysis of the
DS1 facility including the transmission facility and any external equipment
such as DAC s, CSU s, etc.
Table 9-375. TEST #258 ISDN Test Call — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page