DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1497STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
release spe-standby
causes the following:
■ The standby SPE’s SOH returns to the appropriate level based on its
component alarms.
■ After verifications, software turns on shadowing and refreshes the
standby’s memory.
Busyout is used to discourage the likelihood of interchange and prevent side
effects of memory shadowing. For example:
■ When it is necessary to run the long demand test sequence for the
duplication-interface hardware or to reset the standby SPE’s
Packet-interface circuit packs
■ To allow destructive testing of components relevant to shadowing
(packet-interface, memory, or duplication interface packs).
When the standby SPE is busied out, handshake communication is maintained if
possible. The standby SPE can be busied-out at any time the G3-MT interface is
available, including when the system is initializing or when the active SPE is
locked. Busyout applies to only one instance of the SPEs. If SPE B is busied out
and an SPE interchange occurs A-carrier SPE is not busied out.
When releasing a standby SPE from the busyout state, make sure that the
standby SPE is brought fully back to service. Wait until the standby is refreshed
and its SOH returns to level
to make sure repair actions did not disable
the standby SPE.
Initialization: Bringing the Standby SPE Up
When the standby SPE has been out of service or is first coming up, SPE
software executes the following steps:
1. Establishes handshake communication
2. Raises the standby SPE’s SOH to
not refreshed
if it has no critical
component alarms, or
partially functional
if it does have critical component
3. Tests for component mismatch (test number 920)
4. Turns on memory shadowing
5. Refreshes standby memory
6. If there are no critical-component major alarms, raises the standby SPE’s
SOH to
This normally takes about 5 minutes. Should a step of this initialization sequence
fail, the step is retried until it succeeds. The failed condition is alarmed so that it
can be diagnosed and corrected.