DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1604SYSAM (Circuit Pack)
This test resets the SYSAM circuit pack. The destructive nature of this test causes
the PPN G3-MT to logoff and any SYSAM Remote Access connection (for
example, INADS connection) to be torn down.
The reset test causes terminals connected to the SYSAM either directly or
through the remote access port to logoff prior to the test results being displayed.
To determine a test result from one of these locations, log back in and examine
the Error Log for SYSAM error type 1 with no Aux Data. This error entry indicates
that the SYSAM Reset Test failed and that the SYSAM circuit pack should be
If the test is being run from somewhere other than the SYSAM ports, (for
example, a G3-MT connected to an EPN Maintenance circuit pack), test results
are displayed on the screen without a logoff taking place.
Table 9-605. Test #909 SYSAM Reset Test
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
100 ABORT The requested test did not complete within the allowable time period.
1. Retry the command.
1000 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, a maximum of 5 times.
ABORT Internal System Error
1. Retry the command.
1338 ABORT The test is not allowed to run since a planned SPE interchange is in progress.
This may be caused by a planned interchange initiated automatically during
24 hour scheduled testing.
1. Wait 3 minutes and retry the command.
1339 ABORT The test could not run on the standby SYSAM circuit pack in the standby SPE
carrier because the standby SPE is unavailable.
1. Refer to the STBY-SPE maintenance documentation for information on why
a standby SPE may be unavailable and what repair actions should be
taken. The screen for the status spe command should indicate that
handshake is down. This may be caused by a variety of reasons such as
the SPE-SELECT switches on the DUPINT circuit packs set as the active
SPE, a failure of the DUPINT circuit pack, or loss of power on the standby
SPE. The SPE Selected field on the status spe screen displays spe a
or spe b if both SPE-SELECT switches are in the a or b positions,
Continued on next page