DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-274ATM-TRK (Circuit Emulation Service Circuit Pack)
ATM Board Error Query Test (#1259)
This non-destructive ATM Error Query Test retrieves the most severe, active, on-
and off-board problem from the ATM-TRK circuit pack’s firmware and increments
error counts in the Error Log.
The test passes if there are no errors and fails otherwise. A passing test clears
the software counters; a failure increments the counter associated with the
problem that caused the failure and clears the others.
1 FAIL The circuit pack failed to reset
2 FAIL The circuit pack failed to restart.
1. Retry command.
2. If the problem persists, replace the ATM-TRK circuit pack.
PASS The ATM-TRK circuit pack is successfully reset.
No board detected.
1. Check the error log for Error 125 (wrong board) or Error 131 (no board),
and perform the appropriate repair, if needed.
2. Ensure that the board is properly translated and inserted.
3. Check for Error 1538 (hyperactivity). If hyperactive, run reset board
4. Run the test again. If it fails, replace the ATM-TRK circuit pack, and
Table 9-124. ATM Board Error Query Test (#1259)
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
2000 ABORT Test request timed out.
2031 ABORT SCD failure. Unable to sent down-link message.
2100 ABORT Could not allocate needed system resources.
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command up to 3 times at 1-minute intervals.
Continued on next page
Table 9-123. ATM Board Reset (#1256) — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page