DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1024MAPD-BD (MAPD Interface Circuit Pack TN802)
Misframe Alarm Inquiry Test (#145)
This test is meaningless for the TN802 MAPD circuit pack. Table 9-403 details the
test results.
The query for misframes always returns a 0 count.
Translation Update Test (#146)
The Translation Update Test sends the circuit-pack-level information to the MAPD
Interface circuit pack. Translation includes the following data administered for a
MAPD Interface circuit pack (report from
display ds1 UUCSS
■ DS1 Link Length between two DS1 endpoints
■ Synchronization Source Control
■ All Zero Suppression
■ Framing Mode
■ Signaling Mode
■ Time Slot Number of the 697-Hz tone
■ Time Slot Number of the 700-Hz tone
Table 9-402. Slip Alarm Inquiry Test (#144) results
If Windows NT is up
on the TN802 When the switch confirms Slip alarm:
Y Test passes
N Test aborts with ABORT 2000 Error Code.
Table 9-403. Misframe Alarm Inquiry Test (#145) results
If Windows NT is up
on the TN802 When the switch confirms Misframe alarm:
Y Test passes
N Test aborts with ABORT 2000 Error Code.