DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-105ANN-BD (Announcement Circuit Pack)
Announcement Checksum Test (#209)
In this test, the Speech Processor calculates a global checksum covering the
entire announcements file and compares it to a stored one. If the comparison of
any announcement’s checksum fails, then the total number of defective
announcements found is reported. The test failure is associated with an error
type 14 in the Error Log. The aux data gives the identifying number of the first
defective announcement found. This number and the extension assigned to the
announcement are listed on the
display announcement
FAIL The circuit pack cannot be used. Announcement speech memory is cleared
when this test fails. When the problem has been resolved, announcements
must be re-recorded or downloaded to the circuit pack. Refer to
Service Information
1. Reset the circuit pack by the reset board UUCSS command and then
run this test again. If the test continues to fail, replace the circuit pack.
2. If there are recurring alarms on this circuit pack caused by this test
failing, replace the circuit pack,
even if step 1 works.
Replacing the circuit pack will result in loss of integrated
announcements. See Essential Service Information.
PASS The communications link between the two processors on the announcement
circuit pack is functioning properly. User-reported troubles on this circuit
pack should be investigated using other circuit pack and port tests. Refer to
“ANN-PT” for a description of the port tests.
Table 9-40. TEST #209 Announcement Checksum Test
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1023 ABORT There are no announcements currently recorded on the circuit pack.
Continued on next page
Table 9-39. TEST #208 Angel-Speech Processor (SP) Handshake Test — Continued
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page