DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-403CLAN-BD (Control LAN Circuit Pack)
Link Status Test (#601)
This non-destructive test sends a test frame over the signaling link to determine
whether the CLAN call control signaling link is connected.
Table 9-170. TEST #601 Link Status Test
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
2012 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
2100 ABORT Internal system error.
1. Retry command at 1-minute intervals, up to 5 times.
2 FAIL The RSCL control link disconnected.
1. Retry command at 1-minute intervals, up to 5 times.
2. If the test continues to fail, execute the Packet Interface Test (#598) to
determine if the problem is due to the circuit pack.
3. If the Packet Interface Test (#598) fails, refer to Packet Interface Test repair
4. If the Packet Interface Test (#598) fails, refer to Packet Control Circuit Pack
and Packet Bus repair procedures.
3 FAIL Received no response to RSCL control link test frame.
1. Retry command at 1-minute intervals, up to 5 times.
2. If the problem persists, reset the circuit pack (reset board UUCSS).
3. If test continues to fail, replace the circuit pack.
PASS RSCL control link connected.
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