DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-13Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification
2. Enter your super-user password in the
Password of Login Making
field on the Login Administration form.
The 3- to 6-character login name (characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z) entered with
change login [name]
command is displayed in the Login’s Name
3. Enter
in the
Login Type
4. Enter
in the
Service Level
You cannot change your own service level.
5. To disable a login following a login security threshold violation, enter
Disable Following a Security Violation
field. This field is a
dynamic field and only appears on the Login Administration form when the
SVN Login Violation Notification feature is enabled.
6. To allow access to the remote administration port, enter
in the
to INADS Port?
field. This field only displays if Lucent has first enabled
customer super-user access to the INADS Remote Administration Port.
7. Enter a password for the new login in the Login’s Password field. A
password must be from 4 to 11 characters in length and contain at least 1
alphabetic and 1 numeric symbol. Valid characters include numbers,
and!&*?;’^ (),.:- (the system will not echo the password to the screen as
you type).
8. Re-enter the password in the Login’s Password field. The system will not
echo the password to the screen as you type.
9. Enter the number of days (1 to 99) from the current day, when you wish the
password to expire, in the
Password Aging Cycle Length
field. If a
blank is entered in this field, password aging does not apply to the login.
Administering Login Command Permissions
To administer command permissions, log in as super-user and:
1. Access the Command Permissions Categories form by entering the
change permissions login [login name]
. When the Command
Permission Categories form is displayed for a login, the default
permissions for that “login type” are shown on the form. The super-user
administering the login can change a y to n for each subcategory field on
the form.
2. Select a category for the login and enter y in each field where permission
to perform a administrative or maintenance action is needed. The
command object you select must be within the permissions for the login
type you are administering.
If the Maintenance option is set to y on the Customer Options form, the
super-user can enter y in the Maintain Switch Circuit Packs? or
Maintain Process Circuit Packs fields.