DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-321test alarms
The technician can choose between five different equipment types. If
there is no input to any of these fields, the system will default to all the
equipment. The user can select one of the following fields:
■ Cabinet: This allows the technician to test all alarms associated with a
particular cabinet. Alarms for a cabinet are referenced by a number
ranging from 1 to 3 which is assigned during cabinet administration.
■ Port Network: This allows the technician to test all alarms associated
with a particular port network. Alarms for a port network are
referenced by a number ranging from 1 to 3.
■ Board Number: This allows the technician to choose all alarms
associated with a particular circuit pack for testing. Alarms for a circuit
pack are referenced by circuit pack location (cabinet-carrier-slot). If
the cabinet number is omitted, the system will default to 1.
■ Port: This allows the technician to choose all alarms associated with a
particular port on a circuit pack for testing. Alarms for a port circuit are
referenced by port location (cabinet-carrier-slot-circuit). If the cabinet
number is omitted, the system will default to 1.
■ Category: Alarms for a particular equipment category.
■ Extension: Alarms associated with an extension number.
■ Trunk (group/member): The technician can choose to test all alarms
associated with a particular trunk group or trunk group member. The
group identifier should be entered to test all alarms associated with a
trunk group (XX/__). The group identifier and member identifier should
both be entered to test all alarms associated with a specific trunk
group member (XX/XX).
test alarms repeat 1
The following options control which alarms will be tested.
Major? y_ Minor? y_ Warning? y_
Interval: m_ From: __/__/__:__ To: __/__/__:__
EQUIPMENT TYPE ( Choose only one, if any, of the following )
Cabinet: __
Port Network: __
Board Number: ____
Port: ______
Category: ________
Extension: _____
Trunk ( group/member ): __/__