DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1613SYSAM (Circuit Pack)
SYSAM G3-MT Looparound Test (#915)
This test places the G3-MT port on the SYSAM circuit pack into loop-around
mode and verifies the data integrity of the channel. The test is non-destructive
but may cause a momentary loss of keyboard input from the G3-MT while the test
is running (about 1 second).
On High and Critical Reliability systems, there are two G3-MT ports on each of
the two SYSAM circuit packs: one is labeled ACTIVE and the other STANDBY. On
the current active SYSAM circuit pack, only the ACTIVE port is tested. On the
current standby SYSAM circuit pack, only the STANDBY port is tested.
any FAIL The short term accuracy of the time-of-day clock is not within limits (10
seconds >= difference <= 20 seconds).
Error Code
indicates the difference between the two reads. A zero
(0) indicates that the time-of-day clock is not running.
1. Run the short test sequence several times to make sure the error is
occurring consistently.
2. If test continues to fail consistently, replace the SYSAM circuit pack at the
earliest convenience.
3. After replacing the SYSAM, you must set the time-of-day clock via the
set time command. To replace the SYSAM circuit pack, refer to
‘‘Replacing SPE Circuit Packs’’
in Chapter 5.
PASS The short term accuracy of the time-of-day clock on the SYSAM circuit pack
is within limits.
Table 9-609. Test #913 Time-Of-Day Clock Test — Continued
Te st
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page