DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1219PGATE-PT (Packet Gateway Port)
nonzero diagnostics are logged in this case - indicating resetting due to a
detected error. The auxiliary data field of the log entry contains the
affected logical channel number.
g. These errors are reported only for PVCs and indicate loss of end-to-end
communication on the PVC. This error indicates that the PVC is "Out Of
Order" due to a network or remote DTE problem (e.g., the remote DTE is
unattached). These errors are consistent with the 1984 CCITT X.25
Recommendation. The logical channel number (1 to 64) associated with
the PVC is used to offset the the base (2304) to produce unique error
types. The auxiliary data field for errors of this type contain "1" when a
Public Network code has been received. The auxiliary data field contains
"129" if a Private Network cause code has been received.
h. These errors are reported only for PVCs and indicate loss of end-to-end
communication on the PVC. This error indicates that the PVC is "Network
Out Of Order" due to a network problem. These errors have error types
2305 through 2364 and are consistent with the 1984 CCITT X.25
Recommendation. The logical channel number (1 to 64) associated with
the PVC is used to offset the the base (2304) to produce unique error
types. The auxiliary data field for errors of this type contain "57" when a
Public Network code or "185" when a Private Network code has been
i. These errors are only reported for PVCs and indicate the loss of
end-to-end communication on the PVC. This error indicates that no
response is received from the endpoint when the switch attempts to reset
a PVC. This error is reported to the switch by the Packet Gateway port
every 6 minutes if no response continues to be received. Errors of this type
normally indicate an administrative mismatch for the PVC between the
switch and the attached endpoint/network. These errors have error types
2305 through 2364. These errors are consistent with the 1984 CCITT X.25
Recommendation. The logical channel number (1 to 64) associated with
the PVC is used to offset the base (2304) to produce unique error types.
The auxiliary data field of the log entry contains "35768" for errors of this
j. This error is reported when an X.25 Reset packet is received or sent due
to a Local Procedure Error (i.e., cause value 5 for Public Network or 133
for Private Network Causes). A Local Procedure error usually indicates
that one side of the interface has detected a protocol procedural error.
The value of the diagnostic code (0 to 255) contained in each packet is
used to offset the base (2560) to produce unique error types. The auxiliary
data field indicates whether the error was sent or received by the switch,