DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-165monitor system
The following output fields are for the
monitor system conn
Time Slot
There are 4 numbers associated with the time slot status for each
specified pnn; for each of the two buses (0 and 1) there is a
maintenance and a normal state. The first row is the pnn, the
second specifies the bus while the third specifies the bus’s state
while the last column represents the number of idle counts. These
fields represent real-time status data.
Bus Status
For the bus status fields, there are two numbers associated with
each of the two buses for each pnn. Shown are the pnn number;
the bus associated with it, i.e., 0 or 1; and the state of the bus, i.e.,
“avail” or “unavail”. These fields represent real-time status data.
The callrate field represents the call rate being experienced
currently on the switch. This is a counter which is bumped each
time a call attempt is made. This field represents real-time status
This field is related to the above field in that it represents the
interval being applied with which the call rate is applicable. It is
normally set to a 36 second time period. This field represents a
constant status data.
This field represents the maximum call rate which has been hit
during the time since the last hour has passed. If, for example, at
20 minutes past 12:00 this command is executed, this field will
represent the maximum call rate obtained during the past 20
minutes. This field represents real-time status data.
This field will contain a value of 0 or 1 depending upon if the
measurements being taken are for this hour or the next. It is related
to the previous field in that the maximum call rate is reflected for
this hour. When this flag is set, then statistics begin to accumulate
for the next hour and shortly thereafter, the maximum call rate will
become zero and accumulations will begin anew.
This field holds the total time slots in use during the time period
elapsed since the top of the last hour. Data is internally collected
every 100 seconds. When the timer fires and the data collection
occurs, a check is made as to how many time slots are currently in
use. That’s where the total comes from. There are three numbers
displayed for this field on the form; one for each of the pnns
requested. This field represents real-time status data.
ts_denied This field holds the total time slots requests that were denied during
the time period elapsed since the top of the last hour. Data is
internally collected every 100 seconds. There are three numbers
displayed for this field on the form; one for each of the pnns
requested. This field represents real-time status data.