DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1717TDM-BUS (TDM Bus)
Control Channel Test (#296)
This tests the integrity of the Control Channel bus by ensuring that
communication through the TDM Bus is operational. The test attempts to query a
circuit pack whose presence is required in each port network for proper
operation (Tone/Clock or Tone Detector). If a reply from the queried circuit pack is
received, the TDM Bus is considered operational and the test passes. If no reply
is received, the Bus is not operational and the test fails.
Table 9-641. TEST #294 Idle Time Slot Test on TDM Bus A or
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
None ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test. For
example, maintenance could be running on the Tone Detector circuit pack and
it is using the CPTRs.
1115 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals for a maximum of 3 times.
Any FAIL The error code indicates the number of bad time slots that were detected. The
cause of this failure is most likely due to a bad port circuit pack and not the
TDM Bus itself.
1. Execute the command again.
2. If the error persists, check the Error and Alarm Logs for alarms, on the port
network where the faulted TDM Bus resides, on port circuit packs from the
NPE Crosstalk Test. Also check for EXP-INTF alarms associated with error
type 1537.
3. Refer to the appropriate circuit pack’s documentation to clear the circuit
pack’s problem.
4. Test the TDM Bus again. If the error continues, refer to the ‘‘TDM Bus Fault
Detection and Isolation Procedure’’ described earlier.
PASS The success of this test indicates all the idle time slots that are supposed to be
idle are indeed idle. There is no noise on any of the idle time slots.
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