DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
p. Error type 2561 indicates that the Data Write-Read Test (#810) failed.
q. Error 2817 indicates that the Tape Status Test (#815) detected a fault. See
MSS Error Actions
table at the end of the section on TAPE.
r. Error type 3073 indicates in-line errors reported by the tape control
software. See the
MSS Error Actions
table at the end of the section on
s. Error type 3329 indicates that the Tape Audit Test (#811) detected a
corrupted directory file. Execute the
test tape long
command and fix any
failures associated with those tests. The Auxiliary Code for this Error Log
entry and the failure code for the Tape Audit test indicate the directory file
that is corrupted. If Test 811 does not fail, follow normal escalation
t. Error type 3585 with auxiliary data 408 indicates that there was an error in
reading translation data from the tape and/or disk.
This error only occurs on a system reset 3,4, or 5 (Cold 1, system reboot,
or extended system reboot). If a disk is present, the system first tries to
read translation from the first and second copies of translation on the disk
and, if that fails, it tries to read translation from the first and second copies
of translation on the tape.
If an error was detected with reading translation from the disk and then the
tape, a 408 error will be logged. This error will invoke
Emergency Transfer
on a system with simplex SPE. It will cause an SPE interchange if the
system is equipped with duplicated SPEs. To clear this alarm, correct all
other tape errors.
If the SPE is not duplicated, it may be necessary to use a backup tape to
first restore translation data to the disk. A new backup tape should be
obtained as soon as possible.
If the system is equipped with duplicated SPEs and if the alarm is
associated with the tape on the standby SPE the active SPE should be
running with the most current translation. Therefore after correcting any
hardware failures associated with the tape and disk on the standby SPE, a
save translation
command should be used to save translations to the
disk and tape on the standby SPE.
u. Error type 3585 with auxiliary data 409 means that there was an error in
reading the program update file from both the disk and tape or there was
an error in applying the program update file once it was successfully read
from the disk or tape.
This error only occurs during a system reset 4 or 5 (system reboot or
extended system reboot). If a disk is present, the system will try to read
the program update file from the disk first and, if that fails, it will try to read
the program update file from the tape. After it succeeds in reading a copy
of the program update file, it will check to see if the program update
information is appropriate for the software version in memory before it
applies it to the software boot image.