DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-881FIBER-LK (Fiber Link)
2306 ABORT An SNI circuit pack on the fiber link is not responding to test requests sent by
1. Run the test led switch-node for the switch node(s) that the SNI (s) reside
in to verify whether the LED s on the board(s) light. Follow the steps below
for the SNI (s) from step 1 that had no LED s light.
2. If the LED s on the other boards in the carrier light, but the LED s on this
board do not light, run test 760 via test board UUCSS l for the active SNC
in this carrier. Wait 5 minutes and then try step 1 one more time. If the LED s
on this board still do not light, replace this board. Replacing an SNI may be
service interrupting. Refer to the SNI-BD section for the procedure for
replacing an SNI.
3. If none of the LED s light for the boards in the same carrier as this board, fix
any problems associated with the connectivity of this carrier to the SPE.
Use list fiber-link to determine the fiber connections to this carrier. Check
the LED s on all SNI s and EI s and fix any fiber problems. Enter display
errors and resolve any EXP-INTF error entries associated with the PPN.
Also, resolve any SYNC, SNI-BD, SNC-BD, FIBER-LK, or SNI-PEER error
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 3 times.
141 FAIL The SNI circuit pack (endpoint 1 of the fiber-link) has a fiber out of frame
condition, but no loss of signal condition. Also, a lightwave transceiver is
connected to the SNI circuit pack.
1. Check that the connected circuit pack is physically installed. The
connected circuit pack is the other endpoint of the fiber-link if no DS1
CONV complex is administered (check via list fiber-link). Otherwise, if a
DS1 CONV complex is administered, the connected circuit pack is the DS1
CONV circuit pack connected to the SNI circuit pack.
2. Perform the Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure described in Chapter 5.
3. Replace this SNI circuit pack.
4. Replace the connected circuit pack.
Table 9-336. TEST #989 SNI Fiber Out of Frame Query — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page