DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
LED Interpretation
7-10DS1 CONV (TN574/TN1654) Circuit Pack LEDs
The yellow LED is used to indicate the state of the Fiber Interface, the Fiber
Channel, and the DS1 channel in the following manner and order of priority.
DS1 Facility LEDs
Below the three standard LEDs on the DS1C circuit pack are four green LEDs
used to indicate whether a receive signal is present for each of the four DS1
facilities. Figure 7-3
shows which facility (A, B, C, or D) corresponds to each LED.
If a green LED is off, there is a Loss of Signal condition on the DS1 facility
associated with that LED. The presence of a signal does not guarantee that the
signal is using the correct framing format or line coding; an Alarm Indication
Signal indicating that the opposite end of the DS1C complex is out of service
may be present.
Table 7-4. DS1C Yellow Led Flashing States
LED on LED off Condition
0.1 sec 0.1 sec Fiber Out-of-Frame or Fiber Loss of Signal
0.5 sec 0.5 sec In Frame, fiber channel down. The fiber channel
communicating between the DS1C and the other fiber
endpoint (EI or SNI) is down.
1 sec 1 sec In Frame, DS1 channel down. The channel between the
two DS1Cs in the DS1C complex is down.
2 sec 0.2 sec No response from SPE. The SPE is not acknowledging
messages from the DS1C or the communications link to
the SPR is down.
solid on DS1C active. This is the normal state for an active
solid off DS1C standby. This is the normal state for a standby
DS1C in Critical Reliability Systems (duplicated PNC).