DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1577SYNC (Synchronization)
11. Use
status pnc
to determine which PNC is active. Then use
to determine the EIs on the active PNC and the EIs associated
with the slave PN. If the switch does not have PNC duplication, the EIs are
all on the active PNC, A-PNC. A PNC interchange can be done via
pnc interchange
before replacing EIs if the system has PNC duplication.
If the slips go away after the PNC interchange, replace the EIs that were
previously active.
12. Replace the circuit packs one at a time and wait at least one hour to
determine if the problem has gone away. This procedure is disruptive and
should be done after hours if possible.
An alternative to replacing the EI and SNI in systems where the PNC is
duplicated, is to perform a PNC interchange via
reset pnc interchange
. If
the problem goes away, either the EI or the SNI on the previously active
PNC should be replaced. Replace one at a time and make that PNC active
again to determine whether the problem is fixed.
An alternative to replacing the tone-clock circuit pack in systems where
the tone-clocks are duplicated, is to run the
set tone-clock
command to
switch tone-clocks. If the problem goes away, the previously active
tone-clock should be replaced.
Also, before replacing an SNC circuit pack, the
set switch-node-clock
command can be used if SNCs are duplicated in the carrier. If the
problem goes away, the previously active SNC should be replaced.
13. Replace the circuit packs one at a time and wait at least one hour to
determine if the problem has gone away. This procedure is disruptive and
should be done after hours if possible.
An alternative to replacing the EI and SNI in systems where the PNC is
duplicated, is to perform a PNC interchange via
reset pnc interchange
. If
the problem goes away, either the EI or the SNI on the previously active
PNC should be replaced. Replace one at a time and make that PNC active
again to determine whether the problem is fixed.
An alternative to replacing the tone-clock circuit pack in systems where
the tone-clocks are duplicated, is to run the
set tone-clock
command to
switch tone-clocks. If the problem goes away, the previously active
tone-clock should be replaced.
Also, before replacing an SNC circuit pack, the set switch-node-clock
command can be used if SNCs are duplicated in the carrier. If the
problem goes away, the previously active SNC should be replaced.