DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-342test hardware-group
All maintenance objects included in the specified hardware group are tested,
including all circuit packs and ports. When a cabinet or larger entity is specified,
environmental MOs are tested (see test environment).
Add Station If the add station command is entered for an untranslated port at the
same time as it is being tested by the test hardware-group command
with the all-ports option, the request to add station will fail and the
following message will be displayed:
Object in use; please try later
If an attempt is made to add an unadministered trunk port to a trunk
group at the same time as it is being tested because of the test
hardware-group command with the all-ports option, the request will
fail and the following message will be displayed:
Object in use; please try later
Save Translation If the test hardware-group command is issued with the all-ports
option when a translation save operation is active, some
unadministered ports may not be tested. All other hardware will be
tested normally.
When a hardware error is detected by the test hardware-group
command the hardware goes through the standard escalation
strategy. Alarms will be raised on hardware that manifest hard errors.
This alarming strategy is the same, regardless of whether the ports
are translated or not.
The performance of test hardware-group is affected by call
processing traffic, administration activity, choice of the short or long
option, whether the all-ports option was chosen, whether the
spe-interchange option was chosen, and other demand maintenance
Scheduled and
When a test hardware-group command is entered, all activity related
to scheduled background maintenance, periodic background
maintenance, and data audits is suspended for the duration of the
execution of the test hardware-group command. When a test
hardware-group command is canceled or when the test
hardware-group command completes, all suspended periodic,
scheduled, and data audits background maintenance activity will be
restarted where it left off.
Demand Testing
of SPE
When a test hardware-group command is entered with the
SPE-interchange option, demand tests of SPE components may
abort while the interchange is in progress.