DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1627SYSTEM (System)
o. For error types 6002, 6003, 6102, and 6103, the aux-data value points to
the MO that the error or alarm is logged against. The following table lists
possible aux-data values and their associated MOs. Locate the Error Log
entry for the indicated MO and follow the instructions for that error.
p. The following table and notes give causes and recommendations for each
AUX data value for error 605.
AUX Data
Implicated Maintenance
4137 PKT-INT
16384 PROCR
16385 MEM-BD
16386 SYSAM
16389 DUPINT
16391 SW-CTL
16397 TAPE
16398 DISK
Table 9-615. SYSTEM Error 605 AUX Data, Failure of Planned Interchange
Data See Note Explanation
1352 1 Standby SOH "non-functional"
1353 1 Standby SOH not "functional"
1355 1 Handshake Communication with Standby SPE is down
1356 1 Memory Shadowing not enabled
1357 1 Standby memory not refreshed
1358 2 Mass Storage System was in use
1359 3 PKT-INT link migration failed
1360 1 Interchange failed *
1361 4 SW-CTL failure
1369 7 Could not suspend G3-MT connectivity *
1370 4 Could not freeze active SW-CTL *
1371 5 Internal Error associated with processor interrupts *
1372 6 Minor alarm on standby SYSAM or PKT-INT
1395 SPE Duplication not administered