DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-807EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
2000 ABORT Response to the test was not received within the allowable time period.
2031 ABORT The attempt to send the message to the Expansion Interface circuit pack,
asking it who it’s neighbor is, was not successful.
2100 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available. Someone may be
doing something on this Port Network Interface.
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 3 times.
1033 FAIL The EI circuit pack under test cannot make contact with its neighbor EI or
Switch Node Interface circuit pack.
Perform the ‘‘Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure’’
in ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and
2027 FAIL The EI circuit pack has contact with the neighboring EI or Switch Node
Interface circuit pack, but it is the incorrect EI or Switch Node Interface circuit
1. Enter list fiber-links and verify that all fiber link cables are installed as they
are administered.
2. Repeat the command.
PASS The EI circuit pack has successfully established a link with the neighbor EI or
Switch Node Interface circuit pack.
If the status port-network command still indicates that this link is down, it is
possible that one or both of the EI and/or Switch Node Interface circuit packs
have been busied out.
1. If the link still does not come up, reset one or both EI and/or Switch Node
Interface circuit packs on the link.
No board was detected by the test.
1. Check the error log for wrong board (Error 125) or no board (error 131).
Resolve either of these issues, if applicable.
2. Check that the board is properly translated and inserted. If so, check for
hyperactivity (Error 1538). If hyperactive, use the reset board UUCSS
3. Run the test again. If it fails, the ID chip on board may be bad. Replace the
board and retest.
Table 9-308. TEST #237 Expansion Interface Neighbor
Query Test — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page