DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1620SYSAM (Circuit Pack)
SYSAM External Modem Present Test (#912)
This test is a nondestructive test on the remote access line, and will run only if the
channel is idle. The test validates the presence of an external modem with a
firmware invoked AT command. The test passes if the modem responds with
“OK” to the AT command. This test also validates external modem administration.
This test will fail if an external modem is administered on a switch with an active
TN1648 suffix A.
This test is not allowed if the remote access line is in use or if the SYSAM is on the
Standby SPE in SPE Duplication Option systems. Also, this test must be
administered for testing through the change system-parameters maintenance
FAIL SYSAM reported test failure. The system is not able to reliably contact any
remote maintenance facility with alarm data or dialed into through the SYSAM
remote access port. The system continues to provide reliable service.
1. For an internal modem:
a. If SYSAM Outpulse Relay test (#916) is also failing, check for
presence of SYSAM remote access line and resolve SYSAM remote
access line problems.
b. If test #916 passes, the fault is on the SYSAM circuit pack, replace at
the earliest convenience. To replace the SYSAM circuit pack, refer to
"Replacing SPE Circuit Packs" in Chapter 5.
2. For an external modem:
a. Check the power to the modem.
b. Check the RS-232 connection from the external modem connector to
the modem. Transmit, Receive, RTS, and CTS signals must be
communicating between the MTP DUART hardware and the modem
c. The SYSAM DUART or related circuitry on the processor circuit pack
may have failed. The circuit pack should be changed at your
PASS SYSAM detected correct data through loop around connection.
1. If system cannot call remote maintenance facility or remote maintenance
facility cannot contact system, check with local Central Office for
problems with SYSAM remote access line.
Table 9-612. TEST #917 SYSAM Analog Looparound Test — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page