DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-673DS1 CONV-BD
standby. Each DS1 Converter Complex consists of two TN574 or TN1654
circuit packs.
Table 9-261. Convert from DS1-CONV to direct-connect fiber in a duplicated PNC
√# Command/Step Description
1. status pnc Verify that the A-side is active.
1. If the B-PNC is active, enter reset
pnc-interchange and press Enter.
2. Then verify that the A-side is active (status
3. busyout spe-standby Busyout the duplicated switch side.
4. disable pnc-interchange Ensures that system does not switch to the
duplicated side.
5. change
Disable PNC duplication by changing the Enable
Operation of PNC Duplication? field to n.
6. list fiber-link Lists administered fiber connections by number.
Select the link number associated with the
appropriate DS1-CONV complex that you are
7. busyout fiber link
Busyout the fiber link of interest. The fiber link
number (Step 6) is n for this command.
8. remove fiber link
Remove the link administration for this link.
9. change circuit-pack
Remove the DS1-CONV administration (“Cabinet” is
the cabinet number where these DS1-CONV
complexes reside).
If you have to upgrade the TN573 SNI circuit
packs to TN573B (see Step 9), remove the
SNI administration for those circuit packs
only at this time.
Press Enter.
10. If necessary upgrade the
older TN573 SNI circuit
pack to the TN573B.
■ Remove the TN573 SNI circuit packs and
replace each with a TN573B.
■ Wait for the circuit packs to reseat (both red
and green LEDs are out).
Continued on next page