
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-995MAINT (EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack)
EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack Serial Link Test
This test is destructive.
This test checks the serial link from the standby EI circuit pack to the EPN
Maintenance circuit pack. If there is no standby link, or the standby link is down
at the time of the test, this test will abort.
The status of the link is changed to "down" when the standby EI circuit pack
begins initialization tests (for example, after being reset). The link status is
then updated at the conclusion of these tests.
Table 9-383. TEST #337 EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack Serial Link Test
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1000 ABORT System resources required for this test are not available.
1. Retry the command at one-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2029 ABORT
2500 Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at one-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
FAIL The serial link between the currently standby EI circuit pack and the EPN
Maintenance circuit pack is defective. If the standby EXP-INTF is on the A
carrier, then error type 3329 is logged. If the standby EXP-INTF is on the B
carrier, then error type 3585 is logged.
If error type 3585 was logged,
check to see if the ICCA/ICCB cables
between carriers A and B are present and properly connected (ICCA to
ICCA, and ICCB to ICCB). The location of these connectors is shown in the
figures "Expansion Control Carrier (J58890AF)" in Chapter 2. Install or
reconnect the cables if necessary and rerun the test.
2. Replace the EPN Maintenance circuit pack.
3. Rerun the test. If the test continues to fail, replace the Standby EPN
Expansion Interface circuit pack.
4. Rerun the test. If the test continues to fail and the Standby link is on the B
carrier, then replace the ribbon cable that carries the serial link from
Expansion Interface circuit pack B to the EPN Maintenance circuit pack.
PASS The serial link from the Standby Expansion Links to the EPN Maintenance
circuit pack is working.
Continued on next page