DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1598SYS-PRNT (System Printer)
Check the connectivity of the wires and cables among the wall jacket,
data module, and SYS-PRNT output device. Follow the instructions
provided in
Procedures for Restoring the System Printer Link
System-Technician-Demanded Tests:
Descriptions And Error Codes
When inspecting errors in the system and deciding which ones to address,
always investigate errors in the order they are presented in the table below. By
clearing error codes associated with the
Link Retry Test
, for example, you may
also clear errors generated from other tests in the testing sequence.
Link Tear Down Test (#213)
This test is destructive.
The Link Tear Down Test disconnects the existing link between DEFINITY Generic
3 and the external SYS-PRNT output device. If the link has been disconnected
already, this test just returns PASS. All resources allocated for a System Printer
Link are released after this test.
Order of Investigation
Short Test
Long Test
Sequence D/ND
1. D = Destructive, ND = Non-destructive
Link Tear Down Test (#213) X D
Link Retry Test (#215) X X ND