DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1498STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
Other Mechanisms: Status Command and
SPE-Down Interface
There are certain maintenance tools available for dealing with the standby SPE
which can be used regardless of the state of handshake communication or
memory shadowing.
Always start with and continue to use
status spe
to determine completely the
status of the standby SPE.
When handshake communication is down, there is no access from the usual
G3-MT connection to test the standby. In this case, locking the active SPE with
the switches has no harmful effect on switch service and allows terminal access
into the standby SPE via the SPE-Down or SPE-Locked Interface. With this
interface, you can run low level tests on individual components and request
reboots of the standby SPE. Whenever the SPEs are locked and the SPE-Locked
Interface is in use. Instructions on how to bring up and use this interface are
described in Chapter 4. When using this tool, do not unlock the SPE until all tests
of standby SPE components have passed.
Recent Interchange Mode
The event of a spontaneous SPE interchange is intended to be a rare event and
reflects a serious hardware failure on the formerly active SPE. Generally, when
such an interchange has occurred, that SPE (now standby) requires diagnosis
and repair action. There should be information in the error and alarm logs to
indicate the specific problem. System software will attempt to establish
handshake communication with the SPE, refresh its memory, bring it into service
as a standby SPE, and diagnose its problems.
Regardless of any success in bringing that standby SPE into service, software
will not improve the SOH of that SPE until either:
■ Technician-demanded testing addresses the problem
■ One hour has passed since the interchange
This mode, called Recent Interchange Mode, is reported on the
status spe
screen and serves to prevent further interchanges from occurring too quickly.
Additionally, a minor alarm with error 103 is logged against STBY-SPE and the
SOH of that SPE is allowed to get no better than
partially functional
Troubleshooting a Duplicated SPE
in Chapter 5 describes an approach to
diagnosing problems under this condition.