DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-181reset interchange
One of the following messages is displayed:
Command successfully completed
If the reset pnc interchange command is unsuccessful due to the state of health
of the standby Port Network Connectivity, operation of anti-thrashing, or the
following message will be displayed:
Interchange of pnc failed;
try again using the ’override-and-lock’ identifier
See the preceding caution regarding use of the override-and-lock option. If the
reset pnc interchange command is unsuccessful due to a busyout of the standby
PNC, the following message will be displayed:
Must release port network connectivity first
reset pnc interchange [override-and-lock]
This command does not work like other reset commands. Instead of
resetting or initializing hardware, a PNC interchange is executed. Before
entering this command, look at the states of health of the two PNCs with
status pnc.
This command executes a PNC interchange on a Critical Reliability system
(duplicated PNC). The standby PNC becomes active and assumes control of
active call processing, and the active goes to standby. If the health of the
standby PNC is the same as or better than that of the active, no service
disruption takes place; all stable calls and links are preserved. Some unstable
calls may drop.
”interchange” (without a preceding hyphen) must be specified on
the command line.
This option is also used to override the anti-thrashing mechanism.
Subsequent PNC interchanges are prevented, regardless of
changes in the states health of the PNCs. Double call setup still
takes place; each call is set up on both PNCs. To unlock the PNCs,
set pnc unlock
This option forces execution of the interchange regardless of
the state of health of the standby, possibly disrupting service.