DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-726DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
■ If any test fails, and the currently
DUPINT circuit pack has
not already been replaced, replace it now by starting at the
beginning of the replacement procedure for the
This circuit pack has passed tests while on the standby carrier, but
failed when on the active carrier, especially if DUPINT tests are
■ If any test fails, and
DUPINTs have been replaced, replace the
DUPINT interconnecting cable by using the procedure on the
following pages.
13. Execute the
release spe-standby
command and wait for memory
shadowing and standby refreshed to occur as verified with the
status spe
■ If the standby is refreshed within 10 minutes, this replacement
procedure is successfully finished.
■ If the standby is not refreshed within 10 minutes, continue with step
14. Use the
status spe
command. If the status shows MAJOR alarms, use the
display alarms
command with the
category selection. Resolve
alarms for maintenance objects other than DUPINT and DUP-CHL.
■ If the standby is refreshed within 10 minutes, and the DUPINT and
DUP-CHL alarms are resolved, this replacement procedure is
successfully finished.
■ If the DUPINT and DUP-CHL alarms are not resolved, and the
standby DUPINT has been replaced, but the
been replaced, replace the active DUPINT using the procedure in
the following section.
■ If the DUPINT and DUP-CHL alarms are not resolved, and both
DUPINTs have been replaced, but the DUPINT interconnecting
cable has
been replaced during this repair activity, replace the
DUPINT interconnecting cable using the procedure for
interconnecting cable.
Replacing the ACTIVE Duplication Interface
(DUPINT) Circuit Pack
This procedure is used after a test duplication-interface (long) displays a
failure for at least one of the tests that indict the active DUPINT, or when
replacement of the active DUPINT is otherwise recommended. The active SPE
must be interchanged to the standby mode before replacing this DUPINT to
minimize disruption of customer service. Replacement of the DUPINT in the
standby SPE carrier is described in the previous section.
1. If the status spe command displays Standby Busied? yes, release
the standby SPE by using the release spe-standby command. If the
System was recently interchanged, or if the standby SPE was busied out