DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-558DISK (MSS Disk Circuit Pack)
the Disk Drive circuit pack to transfer the data from its buffers back to the
Host Adapter’s SCSI Data Memory. The Host Adapter then copies the data
back to its private RAM where it compares it with the original test data.
■ Disk External Loop-Around
This test is similar to the Internal Loop-around test except that the data
originates in the Host Adapter’s Dual Port RAM and it is transferred to and
from the SCSI Data Memory using SPE system bus accesses. Only a small
amount of data is sent to the Disk Drive circuit pack in order to keep
system bus access to a minimum.
Table 9-229. TEST #814 Disk Loop-Around Test
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1316 ABORT Could not get access to the Mass Storage System. Other application
software may be using it or background maintenance tests may be running.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2. If the test continues to abort, verify that the daily translation-save
operation is not in progress (issue the display system-parameters
maintenance command to display the time for scheduled maintenance
and the "y/n" option for saving translation daily).
1335 ABORT Could not run the test on the Standby SPE—Duplication not administered.
1. Refer to the documentation for STBY-SPE maintenance.
2. Administer standby present.
1338 ABORT Could not run the test on the Standby SPE—Interchange pending.
1. Refer to the documentation for STBY-SPE maintenance.
2. After interchange occurs, run test on new active SPE.
1339 ABORT Could not run the test on the Standby SPE—Handshake down.
1. Refer to the documentation for STBY-SPE maintenance.
2. When the standby is restored to service (use status spe to determine
state of standby) retry the command.
1347 ABORT Could not run the test on the Standby SPE—Refresh not complete.
1. When the standby is restored to service (use status spe to determine
state of standby) retry the command.
1350 ABORT Could not run the test on the Standby SPE—Shadowing not enabled.
1. When the standby is restored to service (use status spe to determine
state of standby) retry the command.
2000 ABORT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
Continued on next page