DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1524STO-DATA (Stored Data)
This auxiliary data for the error type can be used to determine which files
are inconsistent. That information is presented in the table below. More
than one data inconsistency may exist, but only the fault with the highest
auxiliary data number will appear in the error log. Enter the
command to obtain more information about the failure and
follow the associated repair procedures.
f. Error types 1281 and 1793 indicate that the vintages of the boot images
on two the storage devices on Carrier A or Carrier B respectively, are
inconsistent. Use the
list configuration software-vintage
command to
get the vintage numbers and install the correct vintage.
g. Error types 2049 and 2305 indicate that a copy of the boot image other
than the primary copy on the primary device on Carrier A or Carrier B,
respectively, was used to boot the system. The check of which copy of the
boot image was used is made only at boot time. Use the following
procedures based on the Auxiliary Data to clear the problem on Carrier A
or Carrier B.
Auxiliary Data for Error Types 1025 and 1537
Data Data File Inconsistency
1 Translation data on the carrier A device is newer than the translation data on the carrier
B device
2 Translation data on the carrier B device is newer than the translation data on the carrier
A device
3 Announcement data on the carrier A device is newer than the announcement data on
the carrier B device
4 Announcement data on the carrier B device is newer than the announcement data on
the carrier A device
5 Program update data on the carrier A device is newer than the program update data on
the carrier B device
6 Program update data on the carrier B device is newer than the program update data on
the carrier A device