DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-661DS1 CONV-BD
TN1654 board-pairs and TN574 board-pairs. Critical reliability configurations with
a pair of DS1 CONV Complexes serving an EPN require identical board pairs and
facilities. For example, a TN574 Complex and a TN1654 Complex may not be
used together to serve the same EPN in a critical reliability configuration.
DS1 CONV circuit packs connect to TN570 Expansion Interface (EI) circuit packs
and TN573 Switch Node Interface (SNI) circuit packs via metallic cables as
shown in Figure 9-32
. A fiber link cable can be used instead of the metallic cable
if it is necessary to locate the DS1 CONV far from the connected EI or SNI circuit
pack, for example, in an adjacent cabinet.
The DS1 CONV circuit pack can be placed in any regular slot in a PN carrier.
However, the DS1 CONV circuit pack can only be placed in slots 1 and 21 in a
Switch Node (SN) carrier. The DS1 CONV circuit pack is not connected to the
TDM bus or the SN backplane. Communication to the circuit pack is done
through the connected EI or the SNI circuit packs. Therefore, there is
considerable interaction between the DS1 CONVs and the connected EIs and
the SNIs. A special "Y" cable connects the DS1 CONV circuit pack to the Fiber
Endpoint and to the facilities.
The two DS1 CONV boards, TN1654 and TN574, use unique “Y” cables
that are incompatible with each other.
The TN573 SNI circuit pack is incompatible with the TN1654 board. A TN573B or
later suffix SNI board must be used when connecting to a TN1654 board. The
TN573B SNI board is fully backward compatible with the TN573 board and can
be connected to either TN1654 or TN574 boards.
A TN573B or later suffix board must be used when connecting a SNI board
to a TN1654 board. Error 125 will be logged and an on-board minor alarm
will be generated against the SNI board if it is incompatible with the
TN1654 circuit pack.
Figure 9-33
and Figure 9-34 show DS1 CONV connections in a direct connect
PNC configuration and between the CSS and an EPN in a Critical Reliability
System configuration (duplicated PNC).