
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-128list configuration
ds1Specifies the display of all the DS1 (TN722, TN767 and TN464)
circuit packs administered and/or physically inserted in port carriers on
the entire system.
port-network pn#Specifies the display of all circuit packs located in a
specified port network.
List cabinet
gives the port network number(s)
associated with a particular cabinet. Circuit packs on switch node carriers
are not displayed when the port-network qualifier is entered. To display SN
circuit packs, use the
stationsSpecifies the display of all circuit packs that can be assigned
stations (including DS1 circuit packs for remote stations). All assigned
ports are displayed.
trunksSpecifies the display of all circuit packs that can be used for
administering trunks. All assigned ports are displayed.
list configuration carrier 2c schedule
list configuration port-network 5
list configuration stations print
Assigned Ports:
Board NumberThe functional name of the circuit pack
CodeThe TN or UN code and suffix of the circuit packs are displayed.
Vintage 00000000-065535 KKKKKKThe vintage number of the circuit
no boardThe circuit pack is administered but not physically installed.
conflictThe circuit pack administered to the slot differs from the circuit
pack that is physically installed.
no linkThe T1 link is down to a DS1 circuit pack.
Field definitions:
SignalingThis field is displayed only when ”list configuration ds1”
option is selected. The contents of the field are the same as the signaling
mode administered for the ds1 circuit pack (via add/change ds1
command) or ”none” if the circuit pack is not administered.
NameThis field is displayed only when “list configuration ds1” option is
selected. The contents of the field are the same as the name administered
for the ds1 circuit pack (by the add/change ds1 command) or “blank” if
the circuit pack is not administered.