DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-251ATM-SYNC (ATM Synchronization)
Bus Clock Circuit Status Inquiry test) passes successfully. If Test
#148 fails with an Error Code 2 through 32, refer to TDM-CLK to
resolve the problem. If not, continue with the following steps.
For Duplicated Tone-Clock circuit packs in the master port network:
Switch Tone-Clock circuit packs on the master port network with the
set tone-clock UUC
For Simplex Tone-Clock circuit packs in the master port network:
replace the primary and secondary (if administered) DS1 Interface
circuit packs.
4. Investigate any other SYNC errors.
f. Error Type 2049: the ATM Expansion Interface circuit packs are errors that
affect synchronization. Test the ATM Expansion Interface circuit pack with
test board UUCSS
This error is cleared by a “leaky bucket” strategy and takes up to one hour
to clear (leak away) the error counter once it is cleared.
g. Error Types 1, 257, and 513: noise on the DS1 line can cause transient
alarms on synchronization. Therefore, when a synchronization problem
occurs on Error Types 1, 257, or 513, a WARNING alarm is first raised for
15 to 20 minutes before the alarm is upgraded to a MINOR or MAJOR
System Technician-Demanded Tests: Descriptions
and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order presented below when inspecting errors in
the system.
Test Synchronization Test (#417)
This test updates all the Synchronization Maintenance component circuit packs
with the correct information regarding their role in providing synchronization for
the system. All the Tone-Clock, ATM Expansion Interface, DS1 Interface, and
UDS1 Interface circuit packs in the system are updated through this test. This
test either passes or aborts.
Order of Investigation
Short Test
Long Test
Sequence D/ND
1. D = Destructive, ND = Non-destructive
Test Synchronization Test (#417) X X ND