DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-689DS1 CONV-BD
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 3 times.
FAIL TN574 DS1 facilities connectivity loopback test failed.
1 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility A is connected to far-end DS1 facility B.
2 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility A is connected to far-end DS1 facility C.
3 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility A is connected to far-end DS1 facility D.
10 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility B is connected to far-end DS1 facility A.
12 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility B is connected to far-end DS1 facility C.
13 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility B is connected to far-end DS1 facility D.
20 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility C is connected to far-end DS1 facility A.
21 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility C is connected to far-end DS1 facility B.
23 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility C is connected to far-end DS1 facility D.
30 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility D is connected to far-end DS1 facility A.
31 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility D is connected to far-end DS1 facility B.
32 FAIL TN1654 Near-end DS1 facility D is connected to far-end DS1 facility C.
55 FAIL TN1654 DS1 CONV packet facility is down and can’t send loop-up message to
the far-end.
1. Enter display errors and follow the associated repair procedures for any
DS1-FAC errors on the DS1 facilities at both ends of the DS1 CONV
Complex. If an alarm exists on a DS1 facility, then this test will fail.
2. Check the DS1 connections, both circuit packs should have their DS1
facilities connected identically.
3. Check the DS1 Converter Measurements Report to see if there are facilities
with excessive errors, execute command list measurements ds1-facility
summary. If there are facilities with excessive errors, execute Far-end
Internal Loopback test #797 via the test ds1-facility UUCSSf long
command on those facilities, and follow repair procedures described for
the test.
4. Both circuit packs may not have the same translation information. Run the
Board Options Audit test #795 via the test board UUCSS short command
for both circuit packs in the DS1 CONV Complex to send the options, and
check the results of this audit test. This test will not pass until the audit test
problems are resolved.
PASS DS1 facility connections are correct.
Table 9-266. TEST #790 DS1 Facilities Connectivity Loopback Test — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page