DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-176ATM-EI (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
Aux Data values: For each connection request failure type, the port
network and the angel number of the destination ATM-EI circuit pack are
logged Aux Data values in the form XXYYY, where
■ port network number = XX
■ angel number = YYY
Since you need to know the slot number also, Table 9-76
converts the Aux
Data to slot numbers.
Table 9-76. Error Type 1024-1151 Aux Data values (XXYYY) converted to slot number
Failure type Failure type Failure type Failure type Failure type
Slot Setup
Party Setup
Party Setup
Party Setup
Party Setup
1 28 528 66 566 98 598 34 534 02 502
2 29 529 67 567 99 599 35 535 03 503
3 30 530 68 568 100 600 36 536 04 504
4 31 531 69 569 101 601 37 537 05 505
5 56 556 70 570 102 602 38 538 06 506
6 57 557 71 571 103 603 39 539 07 507
7 58 558 72 572 104 604 40 540 08 508
8 59 559 73 573 105 605 41 541 09 509
9 60 560 74 574 106 606 42 542 10 510
10 61 561 75 575 107 607 43 543 11 511
11 62 562 76 576 108 608 44 544 12 512
12 63 563 77 577 109 609 45 545 13 513
13 88 588 78 578 110 610 46 546 14 514
14 89 589 79 579 111 611 47 547 15 515
15 90 590 80 580 112 612 48 548 16 516
16 91 591 81 581 113 613 49 549 17 517
17 92 592 82 582 114 614 50 550 18 518
18 93 593 83 583 115 615 51 551 19 519
19 94 594 84 584 116 616 52 552 20 520
20 95 595 85 585 117 617 53 553 21 521
21 NA NA 86 586 118 618 54 554 22 522
22 NA NA 87 587 119 619 55 555 23 523
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